
Краткие аннотации статей В. А. Клевно в National Center for Biotechnological Information, NCBI

Национальный центр биотехнологической информации США (англ. National Center for Biotechnological Information, NCBI).

Основан в 1988 году в Бетесда (штат Мэриленд, США) как центральный институт обработки и хранения данных молекулярной биологии. Является частью Национальной медицинской библиотеки США

Эта статья посвящена практическому применению медицинских критериев вреда здоровью (МК) и вступили в силу с 16 сентября 2008 года.
Авторы провели анализ процедур судебно-медицинской экспертизы для оценки вреда здоровью в период до и после введения в действие МК (между 2007 и 2010гг.).
Новые медицинские критерии позволили структурировть данные о вреде для здоровья в зависимости от степени его тяжести.

Журнал Sud Med Ekspert. 2011 Sep-Oct;54(5):41-9

[The application of the medical criteria for the harm to health: expert and law-enforcement practice].

Abstract This paper is devoted to the practical application of the medical criteria (MC) for the harm to health (HH) put into force on September 16, 2008. The authors undertook the analysis of procedures of forensic medical expertises for the estimation of the harm to health during the periods before and after putting MC into action (between 2007 and 2010). The results of this analysis were compared with the number of documented criminal actions that caused harm to health and the number of subjects convicted of such crimes. It is shown that the frequency of crimes leading to the serious harm to health has increased (by 22%) in parallel to the roughly similar decrease in the frequency of crimes responsible for the moderate harm. These trends are unrelated to the changes in the number of subjects convicted of such crimes. The frequency of intentional infliction of the serious harm to health decreased by 12% and the number of subjects convicted of the crimes that caused serious (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, parts 1–3, article 111) and moderate (Criminal Code, article 112) harm to health decreased in 2010 by 5% compared with 2007. The rise in the frequency of the crimes responsible for the serious harm to health (Medical Criteria, pp. 6.11.1–6.11.11) revealed during forensic medical expertises is unrelated to the number of documented crimes and subjects convicted of them under parts 1,2, article 264 of the Criminal Code. The number of documented crimes and subjects convicted of them after the new medical criteria had been put into force (2009 and 2010) decreased by 23% and 15% respectively. It is concluded that putting into effect the new regulations and medical criteria did not result in a substantial change in the relative frequency of the serious and moderate harm to health. Nor did the law enforcement practice gives evidence of any change in the relationship between cases of moderate and serious harm to health and in the number of grave crimes causing the harm to health. The new medical criteria allowed to put in order and present in a structured fashion the data on the harm to health depending on the degree of its severity.

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